7 Tips to Allergy-Proof Your 首页

7 Tips to Allergy-Proof Your 首页

Keep allergy triggers out of your house by following these simple tips.

Sniffling 和 sneezing at this time of year? If so, you're certainly not alone. 春季过敏, 也叫花粉热, affect more than one-quarter of adults 和 nearly one-fifth of children in the U.S., according to the Centers for Disease Control 和 Prevention (CDC). That's a lot of seasonal misery.

While you may have read up on ways to prevent allergies when you're outdoors, surrounded by all the budding flowers, 树和草, it's also helpful to know what you can do inside your own home to make you more comfortable. 毕竟, many allergens live in your home 和 can keep you feeling lousy even after you've come indoors.

Allergy-proofing your home will not only help reduce the number of seasonal allergens that cause symptoms to flare, but these tips will also help you rid your home of other common allergy triggers, 比如灰尘, 螨虫, 霉菌和皮屑.

Here are 7 tips to allergy-proof your home:

  1. 脱掉你的鞋子. When you come inside, leave your shoes at the door. This stops you from tracking pollen 和 other allergens throughout your home.
  2. 换衣服. Pollen tends to stick to clothes. 如果你坐在沙发上, 椅子还是床, you can transfer these allergens to objects in your home. If you're especially sensitive, change clothes once you get home 和 keep the clothes you wore in a closed bag or hamper until you wash them. Showering also removes allergens trapped in your hair.
  3. Keep pets from being carriers. Aside from 头皮屑 和 fur that may make trigger some people's allergies, pets can bring in plenty of pollen 和 other allergens from outside. Get in the habit of bathing pets or at least brushing their fur to remove as many allergens as possible. Wash their bedding often, which may house the allergens they bring indoors.
  4. 关上窗户. This may seem like a no-brainer but if temperatures are comfortable, it can be very tempting to open the windows 和 let in fresh air. 如果你打开窗户, do so towards the end of the day, when there is usually less pollen in the air.
  5. 真空定期. This will not only remove pollen that has found its way inside, 但它可以吸收灰尘, 头皮屑, pet hair 和 other allergens. 除了楼层, vacuum fabrics that may trap allergens, 比如窗帘, 枕头和沙发垫. Splurge for a vacuum with a HEPA filter, which is better at trapping very small particles so they don't recirculate in the air.
  6. 每周清洗床单. This gets rid of any pollen, 灰尘, 头皮屑, skin particles 和 other allergens that may get trapped in your bedding. If your allergies are particularly bothersome, or you can't wash your hair before bed after being outside, change your pillowcases more often.
  7. 尘埃潇洒地. Use a damp cloth when 灰尘ing to trap particles instead of just moving them around. Start at high surfaces 和 work your way down.


Make your appointment with a Guthrie allergy specialist today.


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Date Last Reviewed: January 18, 2024

Editorial Review: Andrea Cohen, Editorial Director, 鲍德温出版公司. 联系编辑

医学检查: 佩里·皮特科,医学博士

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